Wednesday, September 26, 2007

All My Heroes Are Weirdos

I started my !!! experience a couple of months ago with "All My Heroes Are Weirdos", the second track from "Myth Takes", and I can say that I enjoyed most of my trip so far.
Hey ho there's an open casting call 4 heroes
and all that showed up was nero
and it's all blurry but somehow he was hired.

Often referred to as "Chk Chk Chk", the band from Sacramento, California probably laked some self-confidence when choosing the name. "If they don't like us, they'll definitely be attracted by the name". Nevertheless, I would like to see how they are called back for an encore by the crowd. And I heard the had some magnificent shows this summer.
Even if the first album is too funky for me, I keep my eyes open for something new next year, more agressive perhaps?
